Join GNBPH! Membership fee temporarily waived for new members!


GNBPH is a global network and association of black professionals and black persons working in the field of HIV. GNBPH recognizes and honors the expertise, excellence, service and achievement of each Black person working in HIV (paid and unpaid) in his/her field of expertise. Black professionals and individuals working in HIV are everywhere in the world, working as doctors, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, laboratorians, case managers, peer educators, lawyers, health ministers, clinic directors, faith and clergy leaders, volunteers, researchers, administrators, in every aspect of HIV service delivery, industry, research, policy development, program implementation, program evaluation, advocacy, human rights, funding, resource allocation and basic science in organizations and institutions around the world.

Working in HIV (paid and unpaid alike) in 2014 is very different than 20-30 years ago when some of us got our start.  Twenty-five years ago options for intervention were essentially focused on counseling, support, behavior change and palliative care.  Today, with better tolerated antiretroviral (ARV) regimes of one pill a day with greatly reduced side effects, the global HIV goals calling for 20 million people to be on treatment by 2020 and 90% of those who are in treatment reaching viral suppression by 2030 are actually attainable.  To achieve these ambitious goals, the global HIV workforce will need to re-think the global response.  GNBPH is the premier global organization serving as the catalyst for re-thinking the collective epidemic response.

GNBPH members are a part of a global network where ideas can be expressed, shared and honored.  GNBPH encourages and honors the accomplishments of Black professionals and individuals working in HIV and serves as a platform where all Black people working in HIV worldwide can grow and contribute to the global epidemic response.

Join GNBPH today.  Annual membership fee:   $20/high income;  $10/low income. 

Attention:  Membership fee waived through February 28, 2015.

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